AMISS is the Arizona Molecular ISM Survey with the SMT. We are undertaking a survey of millimeter wavelength emission lines that trace the mass and conditions of molecular gas in the interstellar medium (ISM) of around 177 galaxies in the local universe. AMISS will measure the spectral line luminosities and ratios between the three lowest energy rotational transitions of the carbon monoxide molecule — CO(1-0), CO(2-1) and CO(3-2). This will allow us to precisely calibrate CO(2-1) and CO(3-2) as molecular gas mass tracers for a diverse set of galaxies. Our measurements of CO line ratios can also constrain the temperature and density of the bulk molecular gas in galaxies on the star forming main sequence, providing insights into how the ISM regulates star formation and gas consumption.

AMISS has obtained CO(2-1) spectra of 176 galaxies and CO(3-2) spectra of a subset of 45 with the Arizona Radio Observatory's Submillimeter Telescope. CO(1-0) spectra from the IRAM 30M telescope are available for the entire sample from xCOLDGASS and we have obtained further CO(1-0) spectra of 55 galaxies with the Kitt Peak 12m Telescope.

Observations are now complete and the first papers based on the survey have been submitted. All AMISS data will be made publicly available upon the release of these papers (late 2023). If you would like access to any of the data now, contact me.

AMISS Publications

Two papers based on the AMISS project are currently in preparation:

  1. "The Arizona Molecular ISM Survey with the SMT: Survey Overview and Public Data Release", R. P. Keenan, D. P. Marrone, G. K. Keating, E. C. Mayer, K. Bays, J. Downey, L. C. Dunn, J. C. Flores, T. W. Folkers, D. C. Forbes, B. C. Guvenen, C. Holmstedt, R. M. Moulton, & P. Sullivan 2023, The Astrophysical Journal, submitted
  2. "AMISS II: Variations in the CO(2--1)/CO(1--0) Line Ratio Across the Galaxy Population", R. P. Keenan, D. P. Marrone, G. K. Keating, & E. C. Mayer 2023, in preparation


Image and spectra of AMISS target 1049

The AMISS data products include spectra for 177 galaxies, and a catalog of line fluxes and luminosities. Once published, we will make a copy of our data available here. The image above shows the SDSS image, location in the star forming main sequence, and CO(1-0) through CO(3-2) spectra for an example AMISS target.